
Final Blog Post

 Introduction to the research paper   How is The Dominican Republic so similar to Haiti yet so different? On the Island, Hispaniola is located in the countries Haiti and The Dominican Republic. Over the past years and even before that the relationship between these countries has been unstable. It has caused many issues which have gotten even some foreign countries involved. The Dominican Republic has been there for Haiti in times of need. For example, when Haiti was hit by an earthquake in 2010 The Dominican Republic was there to help.  The Dominican Republic dislikes/hates those from Haiti for many reasons such as their unresolved past, political issues, and many other reasons. Yet many from Haiti try to immigrate to The Dominican Republic for better opportunities despite not being wanted. Even with their shared history of slavery, oppression, and struggle with their differences have separated them. The Dominican Republic's relationship with Haiti has caused issues that ...

Blog 10 - History and Politics

 History and Politics of The Dominican Republican Early History The Dominican Republic is one of the earliest European settlements in the Western Hemisphere. The country is located in the eastern half of the island Hispaniola. Originally the island was conquered by the Spanish which was led by Diego Columbus. This name may sound familiar since he was the elder son of Christopher Columbus. In 1664 the Spanish lost the western half of the island to the French. This became known as Haiti. Haitai was under the rule of Henri Christophe who later on died. Jean Pierre Boyer then took command after and invaded the eastern half of the island, Santo Domingo. Boyer is then overthrown in 1943 during a revolution that allows the eastern half of the island its independence, in 1884. The invasion under Boyer would cause many problems to this date for Haiti's and The Dominican Republics' relationship. History after becoming Independent      From the start, some people in the Dominic...
 Celebrations in The Dominican Republic Celebrations and Festivals     The Dominican Republic has many celebrations that bring culture and festive vibes all year. In the Dominican Republic, they love celebrating to find an excuse to party. The communities in the Dominican Republic each have their unique approach to their religious events blending Catholic and African-influenced voodoo traditions. Religious Celebrations      Starting with January 21 which is the day they celebrate Virgen de Altagracia. This is an important religious day for them. During this day they have a tribute to the patron saint, the Virgin of Altagracia. One travels to the basilica in the eastern community of Higuay which is where a 15th-century painting Altagracia painting hangs. It takes days to get there, but the trip is one of the many vigils and services held.     Another celebration is Juan Pablo Durate Day. It's another celebrating holiday in late Juanray. The celebra...

Blog Post #8

Island Travel - Dominican Republic Traveling There      When Traveling to the Dominican republic you have many options. Because it's located on an island you can travel by plane or by cruise(boat). As of now due to COVID-19 cruise ships a limited, so the best and fastest option would be going by plane. A plane trip to the Dominican Republic will cost you around $500 in American currency. When it comes to their currency you are going to have to use the Dominican peso also called centavos. Conversions between American dollars and Dominican pesos are always fluctuating but as of now, 1 dollar is equivalent to roughly 58 pesos. Before going on a plane you will need a valid passport to travel to the Dominican Republic since it's outside the United States. Where to Stay      When choosing a place to travel specifically I recommend Santo Domingo, Punta Cana, or Puerta Playa. These are the most popular places to visit which contain some of the best tourist sites. A...

Blog Post #6

Getting To Know The Dominican Republic Doing Research The Dominican Republic takes over two-thirds of the island Hispanola. This country was explored by Christopher Columbus in 1492. It was named La Espanola. Four years later in 1946 Santo Domingo was founded and is the oldest European Settlement in Western Hemisphere. Santo Domingo is relevant to this day and has become the Captial as well as the largest city in the Dominican Republic. I was able to watch some documentaries during my research to get a better picture fo how their society and place are. Some impressions I was able to get was that the country is very beautiful and has some very tasty looking food. It was rich in culture and had some amazing natural sights. The water has it's own surprises and is something that anyone would look forward to. They have underwater sightings which are considered underwater museums.  Political Issues The country where the Dominican Republic is located in on the island Hispanola and is shar...

Blog Post #5 - Caribe Gris and Historical Representations

 Blog Post #5 - Caribe Gris and Historical Representations Initial Reading Experience     During my first look at the passage, I was confused in many ways. Although I speak Spanish and English well I still couldn't understand much of the passage at first. The English version was the one I tried to read but it felt incomplete since it was shorter than the original Spanish one. This then leads to me trying to read the Spanish version. At first, it made sense but the more I read the more I was confused, which some words I had never heard of.  The passages would lose me the more I tried to read it. This lead to procrastination and me taking many breaks from completing the assignment.  Understanding better I kept reading the English version over and over until I understood the concept a little. My initial thought was that the main idea had to do with Columbus being wrong in general. It still wasn't enough to get a good understanding or come up with my final main idea...

Self Assessment

 Self Assessment  Strengths in blogging      I think that for someone who has recently began blogging that I can write about the topic without struggling much. I can meet the requirements while being creative. My spelling and grammar meet the expectation as well as the length of my blog. When blogging I use Grammarly to double-check my work as I blog and also help me expand my vocabulary.  Another strength is I also feel like my blogs aren't boring and contain good images relating to the topic leading up to it. Fields I could Improve In      There are many things that I think I can improve on. For starters, my organization could use some work. I have some trouble in my blogs when it comes to knowing where to put what and when. Sometimes I don't know whether I should start another subheading or insert a picture there. Sometimes my transitions don't seem smooth which I feel makes my blog all over the place.      When it comes to ...